Vita Maren Pohl-Hauptmann:
1989-1993: Study of Medicine in Hannover MHH
1989-1995 Working as an Assistant in Helmstedt Internal Medicine and Surgery
1997 Licence to work as a General Practitioner
Homöopathy courses A-F, Acupuncture courses for B-dioloma
2003 Building a practise house for being a general practitioner
2005-2009: biological medicine (University of Mailand Italy).
2009-12 Master of Arts in complementary medicine and cultural studies
2009-2022 Practise together with my husband, Andreas Hauptmann.
Licence to be an instructor for autogenic training
2013-2017 Systemic Osteopathy (Anton Hack)
2014-2017 sound massage practitioner (Peter Hess)
Since 2018 instructor for Peter Hess Sound Massage Courses 1–4.
Hypnosis teachers: Friedbert Becker, Gabriele Schabbach-Schuh, and Dr. Uwe Ross
2020-2022 Emmet Technique practitioner (osteopathic technique after Ross Emmet)
2022 Instructor for Emmet Technique Workshop for self-treatment
2019-2022 Psychotherapy (behavioural therapy) MOVA-Institut Hamburg
Additional designations: chirotherapy, acupuncture, and naturopathy