The art of harmony

of body, mind and soul

Our Story

Get back to harmony with Einklang

Being general practitioners for 24 respectively 26 years we decided to change our status completely.

We selected Bulgaria for our centre of life because we want to live by the sea and because of the upright, straightforward, warm and wise people living here.

To plan and built a house of „sound of silence“ with space for workshops in Sound massage and Emmet Technique in a sourrounding of nature is our heart`s desire. So we can pass on our knowledge and help people here and everywhere (via zoom)


The way back to harmony by


Peter Hess, the inventor oft he sounds massage and sound therapy summarizes the effects of sound...

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Noise and bustle, lots of stimuli and demands of our everyday life very often hinder us to listen to the quiet voice of our inner wise or to see our soul path...

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Meanwhile, we have scientific studies of high quality that confirm, that homeopathy has a clear effect than the so-called placebo...

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The doctor treats, nature heals. Latin: Medicus curat, natura sanat. The doctor can only be her faithful servant and helper; he will learn from her, but never nature from him.

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Under challenging periods of life, people are grateful when they find loving and experienced listeners...

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In our coaching sessions, we want to find out together what our client really wants, what the real goals in life are and how to achieve them step by step.

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Osteopathy "Emmet"

Our thoughts, feelings and habits form our body posture. In addition, we are exposed to one-sided burdens, awkward positions at work...

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As a very old empirical treatment concept, acupuncture belongs to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

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Our everyday living shows something different. We suffer from fast food, chemicals for preservation and nearly „dead“ food products...

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ozone therapy

Darkfield microscopy can give amazing insights into the structure of our blood. For example, you can see the infestation with bacteria...

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Some scientists represent the opinion, that the future of medicine will be frequency therapy...

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Group Sessions

Group offers of any kind like Sound meditation, imagination Autogenic training Yoga/ motion stretching exercises…

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All our offers have the purpose of enhancing your „self-help “. We want to find the roots of your health disorders, eliminate causes an let you find back to the harmony of body, mind and soul.

Of course, for ethical reasons, we cannot make any promises of healing

Let’s hear What they says

Golden Rule of Health

(dedicated to my father, Hans Erich Gohde)

Our health is the product of ours thoughts, feelings, habits, and our beliefs

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